Our superior quality polychaete worms accelerate the maturation process of shrimp brood stock, resulting in increased nauplii production of superior quality. Our SPF Live Polychaetes from TOPSY BAITS & DELTA FARMS ( Nereis virens) are 100% farmed in a completely bio-secure environment in The Netherlands as of the GMP+ and HACCP standards (with certifications) and the only SPF certified polycheaetes in the world certified by University of Arizona, United states.
Shrimp Hatchery
Larval Rearing Tank
Larval Rearing Tank
We offer a comprehensive range of high-grade products essential for successful shrimp and fish hatchery seeds production, spanning from premium-quality larval algae diets and hatchery feeds to specialized water conditioning solutions. Committed to both excellence and sustainability, our hatchery products empower hatcheries to attain superior quality and ensure good survival seeds.